Figueras Seating is the leading company in designing and manufacturing seating solutions for collectivities.
With over 90 years of experience, our products are known for their quality, comfort, and durability. Figueras provides well-balanced solutions by joining craftsmanship and the latest technology. We apply innovation, design, and engineering to develop unique fixed and movable seating solutions in perfect harmony with each project.
Our range of seating solutions includes fixed and movable seating and premium seating options. Our seats can be customized to meet each venue's specific needs and requirements, providing maximum comfort for the users.
At Figueras Seating, we believe that seating is not just a functional element, but an essential part of the overall experience of a performance. Our dedication to quality and innovation has made us a trusted partner for auditoriums, theatres and performing arts venues, cinemas, stadiums, and arenas worldwide.
Founder Partner